
Continual ISO-Based Improvement
Every three years, STC hosts an external audit to recertify our Quality Management System to ISO 9001 standards. The external audit for 2021 was recently completed, and STC once again successfully met the requirements for recertification. One notable…

Open Position: Electronic Technician
STC, Inc., a manufacturer of transformers & PCB assemblies for a variety of industries, including Aerospace, Military, Broadcasting, and Traffic Management is seeking candidates for an Electronic Technician. For a full list of job requirements…

PCBs with Custom Magnetics
At first contact, many potential customers may be unaware that we not only manufacture custom transformers and inductors but that we also provide electronic manufacturing services (EMS) for a wide range of industries and applications. For many…

Calkin’s 30-Year Milestone
“When I think about the biggest moments of my career at STC,” says Angie Calkin, “I would probably say the Nighthawk production line, our becoming ISO 9001 certified, and then my promotion to Vice President of Operations.” Angie has seen many changes…

Vaughn Reflects on 30 Years at STC
During the year 2018, three STC employees celebrate their 30-year anniversary with the company. Design Engineer Les Vaughn marks his anniversary today, and it also offers a chance for him to reflect on some of the many memories of his time at STC….

Linda Shaw Celebrates 30 Years
Having started work at STC in June of 1988, Production Supervisor Linda Shaw celebrates 30 years at STC this week. “When I started at STC, I had five kids in grade school. Now I have four grandkids who have graduated from high school,” Shaw said. Linda…

3D Printing Benefits STC Customers
For a number of years, STC engineers have utilized 3D printing in a variety of ways to cut down on both production costs and lead times. In some cases, 3D printing can save thousands of dollars in tooling costs during the design phase. In other…

New Product Development with STC
In the 30-plus years STC has been in business, many of our customers have come into contact with us during the development phase for a new product. In some cases, customers are able to submit detailed specifications, including information such as…

Trends in US Manufacturing
For the past number of years, the topic of “re-shoring” has been addressed in various manufacturing-industry publications, as well as in the general media. Re-shoring is the term used to describe companies moving segments of production or services back to…

New Sun Transformer Website
March 8, 2017 – The new Sun Transformer web site is officially up and running! In addition to the always helpful Transformer Information section, the new site is optimized for both mobile and desktop. We’ve also taken great care to ensure…